Update from AREHBA Executive Committee

04 May 2022 - Prof. Telahun Teka Wolde

Dear members,

Warm greetings to you all from AREHBA Executive Committee. This is to kindly update you what is going on regarding Access Real States. The message is still clear let us all unite our minds and hands to get our properties. Nobody is going to do it for us we have to do it. For this purpose we would like to inform you that an association, AREHBA with a motto "Wuletaw Yikeber" is organized to move forward. Be an active member and start the long walk together and get the property back. Please take few minutes to read attached.

Best regards,

Telahun Teka President, AREHBA

April 30, 2022

Dear Esteemed ARE Home Buyers,

Several home buyers have been asking for the long-awaited Access Real Estate (ARE) status. There are many frustrating and confusing issues from different angles. However, our registered ARE Home Buyers Association (ARE-HBA) members have been working hard to understand what would be a tangible solution.

ARE-HBA has been actively following up with the concerned Government offices. Several meetings have been carried out and official letters have been submitted to different offices. Recently, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI) has considered our request to call for ARE shareholders meeting.

MOTI has given instructions to the ARE board to call a shareholders’ meeting within a limited time. However, the ARE board hasn’t yet called a shareholders’ meeting despite its being the main step towards getting the solution for our homes.

As a result, we are told that MOTI is deliberating on how to arrange for the shareholders’ meeting. Please note that this will be where our voices need to be heard and proper structural and organizational arrangement of ARE needs to be established.

The ARE-HBA has been putting every effort, including meetings and visits with the concerned groups (i.e. Ermias, Aklog, Diaspora Agency, MOTI, Mayor’s office, etc). Our Association is eagerly waiting for a new board of ARE to be in place so that proper channel of accountability and communication can be restored.

At this juncture, we call and advise all home buyers to become a member of our association (ARE Home Buyers Association) so that our collective voices will be heard for a better and swifter solution. Simply send an email expressing your interest to start the membership enrollment process and get more frequent and detailed updates from the ARE-HBA Executive Committee.

Those of you who are ARE homebuyers and ARE shareholders at the same time, please use all contacts to push for a shareholders’ meeting, appoint a functional ARE PLC board, and revive the ARE PLC to make our homes a reality.

Best Regards,

ARE-HBA Executive Committee

Other Posts by Prof. Telahun Teka Wolde

  • Update from AREHBA Executive Committee