The fact that you are reading this means you might be interested to become a member of our association, the Access Real Estate Home Buyers Association. We are gland of your interest.

As you understand, being a member of an association means being the owner of rights and obligations according to the bylaw of the association and decisions passed by the general meeting of the association from time to time. Our association charges a one-time fee of 1,000.00 Birr for registration according to the current regulation. In addition, a monthly membership contribution will be charged as determined by the General Assembly.

Below is the information you need to become a member.

For members of our group who are not members of our association

Even if you are a member of our online group, if you haven't followed the discussions through the group, you may have missed a lot. Therefore, it is recommended that you first read the information provided to home buyers who are not members of our group and then come back here and do the following.

If you are a member of our online group, all you have to do to become a member of our association is to send an email to:

and let us know that you want to join our association. With your message please send to us:-
  1. A well-made photocopy of all pages of the agreement you signed with Access Real Estate Share Company;

  2. Photocopy of the receipts of payments made in full or in part for the property you purchased;

As soon as we receive your message, we will send you the necessary additional information.

Home buyers who are not members of our group who want to become members of our association

If you are not a member of our Internet group, you need to register as a member of the group first. The reasons why we say this are:

  1. To be able to participate in the discussions. Even if you don't have an opinion to give, it lets you track what other homebuyers are saying.

  2. Makes it easy to connect with the many home buyers who live abroad.

  3. It allows for the exchange of current information.

  4. Especially for the work of the association, the communication with the members allows to save costs by avoiding paper based correspondence.

Please continue reading so that you may get some background information. It will give you information about why it is necessary to form groups and associations.

Before we got to where we are now, there was a group called "The Dedicated Home Buyers" that started the process. When the Access Real Estate debacle started, there was a lot of confusion among home buyers. Later, a group calling itself "The Dedicated Home Buyers Group" emerged. This "Dedicated Home Buyers" group started sending out emails to bring all home buyers together. Because you can't have more than 400 addresses in one email, you would need to send five email messages, each containing up to 400 addresses, to send one message to all homebuyers.

It was important to use a platform through which one could reach all home buyers in an easy way. Therefore, In February 2018 the Internet discussion group was created after cleaning out about 2,000 email addresses that had duplicate entries and leaving 1,528 email addresses. We have discussed many issues related to our properties through the Internet discussion group. Many good ideas were raised, including the formation of an association that led to the legal registration of the Access Real Estate Home Buyers Association in October 2020. We now have an elected executive committee and office.

After creating the online platform, we sent an invitation to all email addresses to join the Access Real Estate Home Buyers Group. Two more rounds of invitations were sent to those who did not accept the first invitation. Some have received the invitation in their inbox but declined the invitation. Some were sent invitations but did not receive them for various reasons. For example, home buyers may have changed their address after signing with Access Real Estate Company, or they may have written their address incorrectly, and others may not have been sent an invitation because their addresses were not included in the list.

"The Dedicated Home Buyers" Group had also started a petition signing derive asking for the delivery of our homes without being asked to pay any additional payments. They had started collecting signatures of home buyers and the establishment of the "online" discussion group was also found to be helpful for this task. Although we have not heard of any positive action being taken, the petition submitted to the government was signed by 523 home buyers.

As mentioned above, many important issues have been raised and discussed through the Internet group. However, the important issues that came out of discussion were left unimplemented due to the lack of a way to implement them on the ground. The Home Buyers Association was established as a possible solution to this problem. The existence of the association has enabled us to constantly monitor our issues.

So please join our internet discussion group first so you can contribute. You will then be sent an invitation to become a member of our association. Please use one of the following two methods to join the Internet discussion group.

In order to serve you quickly, please let us know you are a home buyer by sending us:

  1. A well-made photocopy of all pages of the agreement you signed with Access Real Estate Share Company;

  2. Photocopy of the receipts of payments made in full or in part for the property you purchased.

If not, time will be wasted while we exchange messages with you asking you to send these documents.